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Neuromuscular Massage Therapy

Identifies causes of dysfunction and pain through consultation, postural and movement assessment.


NMT seeks to understand and treat the underlying cause of pain, not just the immediate symptoms.  For example pain may result from trauma, injury, surgery, stress, medications, environment, lifestyle, nutrition and exercise.

Advanced massage therapy techniques alleviate soft tissue pain and restrictions.


Techniques include gentle joint mobilisation, myofascial release, muscle compression, trigger point therapy, muscle stretching and muscle energy techniques.


Helps to restore postural alignment and reduce pain.


Increases muscle & joint flexibility.


Coaching in rehabilitation techniques and exercises to assist you with flexibility, strengthening, stability and recovery.

Injury or restriction of the body can lead to other areas of the body compensating.  This leads to altered posture and movement patterns.


Can assist in the treatment of:
•    Back and neck pain & injuries
•    Chronic muscle pain / fatigue
•    Sciatic pain
•    Whiplash injuries
•    Postural and movement dysfunctions
•    Migraines and headaches
•    TMJ (jaw) disorder
•    Cranio-sacral imbalances
•    Tinnitus and ear aches
•    Sinus pain and congestion
•    Frozen shoulder
•    Shin splints
•    Tennis/golfers elbow
•    OOS symptoms
•    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
•    Fibromyalgia
•    Arthritis
•    Respiratory restriction or breathing pattern dysfunctions
•    Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

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